Role of Gut Microbiome in Mental Wellness



  • Barun K Bhattacharyya
  • Shreya Das


This article describes the bidirectional communication of microorganism in Gut-Brain-Axis and restoration of healthy gut microflora. Our brain is intimately connected with our gut. However, the question is how they are connected. The answer is in the microbiome and the metabolites they produce. Human body is the habitat of trillion of bacteria and we live in a symbiotic relationship with them. We either have a diverse and balanced microbiome that produce short-chained fatty acids, hormones and neurotransmitters or we have unbalanced microbiome, called dysbiosis that produce D-lactic acid, ammonia, lipopolysaccharide and more. This type of imbalance affects mental health and could lead to many neuropsychiatric conditions. Microbiome has great potential in providing next generation therapies for improved healthcare. Therefore, it is important to take care of gut microbiome. Most of our serotonin (95%), at least 50% of dopamine, other hormones and neurotransmitters are produced either in our enteric nervous system (ENS) of our gut or by microbes who reside in the colon. Prebiotics and probiotics are being widely utilized to promote gut microbiome and thereby improve many health conditions. 


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Gut microflora, Gut-brain axis, Dysbiosis, Psychobiotic, Fecal microbiota transplantation.




How to Cite

Bhattacharyya BK, Das S. Role of Gut Microbiome in Mental Wellness. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2020 May 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];13(3):4865-9. Available from:



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