CNS Activity of Ethanol Extract of Wedelia chinensis in Experimental Animals



  • Umasankar K
  • Suresh V
  • Kumar, R M
  • Suresh A
  • Kumar N S
  • Arunachalam G


 The plant Wedelia chinensis was found to be used by different traditional systems and folklore for the treatment of various disorders. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect on central nervous system (CNS) of the ethanol extract of Wedelia chinensis whole plant in Swiss albino mice and Wistar rats.The CNS effects were evaluated by general behaviour, exploratory behaviour, muscle relaxant activity and phenobarbitone sodium–induced sleeping time using standard procedures in experimental animal models.The results revealed that the ethanol extract at 200 and 300 mg/kg caused a significant reduction in the spontaneous activity (general behavioural profile), exploratory behavioural pattern (Y–maze and head dip test), muscle relaxant activity (rotarod and traction tests), and significantly potentiated phenobarbitone sodium–induced sleeping time.The results conclude that the extract exhibit CNS depressant activity in tested animal models.


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Wedelia chinensis, muscle relaxant, phenobarbitone-induced sleeping time, CNS depressant activity




How to Cite

K U, V S, R M K, A S, N S K, G A. CNS Activity of Ethanol Extract of Wedelia chinensis in Experimental Animals. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2010 May 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];3(1):881-6. Available from:



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