Antidiabetic Activity of Isolated Compounds of Crinum solapurense Leaves Extract in Albino Wistar Rats



  • Sunayana Mali IES Institute of Pharmacy, IES University, Bhopal-462044, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Anup Kumar Chakraborty IES Institute of Pharmacy, IES University, Bhopal
  • Reenu Yadav IES Institute of Pharmacy, IES University, Bhopal-462044, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Jyotiram Sawale IES Institute of Pharmacy, IES University, Bhopal-462044, Madhya Pradesh, India


Background: The leaves extracts of Crinum solapurense are examined for in-vivo antidiabetic pharmacological action.

Methods: Plant material including different multi-component mixes has a large number of bioactive chemicals. Therefore, it is crucial to separate and determine these compounds which have active phytoconstituents are responsible for the pharmacological action. The extracts for action in-vivo antidiabetic investigation from the leaves extract of Crinum solapurense are the subject of the current research project. From the leaves, ethanolic extracts of the medicinal plant Crinum solapurense, two alkaloid compounds—gulonic acid & shikimic acid—were identified. The alkaloids found in the phytoconstituents of Crinum solapurense leaves may be the cause of their pharmacological action.

Results: In the DNSA inhibition assay method the IC50 value was observed to be 5.31 & 11.17 μg/ml for shikimic acid & gulonic acid correspondingly. In the Iodine-Starch Technique the IC50 value was observed to be 9.91 & 12.70 μg/ml for shikimic acid & gulonic acid correspondingly. In the In-vivo animal study of Gulonic acid in the group that was not given any treatment, diabetic rats displayed considerable weight loss at the end of the trial (p ˂0.001). When dexamethasone was administered, the diabetic group's blood glucose levels significantly increased in comparison to the control group (p is equal to 0.01). Two parameters were improved in a dosage-dependent way when mice were given glibenclamide or gulonic acid at a dose of 50.00 or 100.00 milligrams per kilogram body weight. Diabetes led to a substantial rise in HbA1c (p˂0.05) in the group of diabetics who were not receiving treatment.

Conclusion: Based on the in-vivo animal study it was concluded that the leaves extracts of Crinum solapurense show significant effects of antidiabetic pharmacological action in diabetes induced animals.


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Crinum solapurens, gulonic acid, shikimic acid, in-vivo antidiabetic



How to Cite

Mali S, Chakraborty AK, Yadav R, Sawale J. Antidiabetic Activity of Isolated Compounds of Crinum solapurense Leaves Extract in Albino Wistar Rats. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];17(2):7250-5. Available from:



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