Immunomodulatory Effect of “Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy” to Cure or Prevent Hospital Acquired (Nosocomial) Infections due to Clostridium difficile (C. diff), other Pathogenic Bacteria, and Autoimmune Diseases



  • Malireddy S Reddy


The worldwide popularity of Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy to treat or prevent the hospital acquired infections (nosocomial infections) arose a great interest in the medical community around the world (Reddy and Reddy, 2016; 2017). The following questions were raised on this subject: Does Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotics directly inhibit the pathogenic bacteria (C. diff) in the gastrointestinal tract or indirectly through modulation of the host immune system or both? To be more specific, what is the exact and/or hypothetical mechanism at molecular level behind the breakthrough discovery of Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy?  To answer these questions, the specific immunomodulation regulatory functions of the individual Probiotic strains (on host) have beenresearched, investigated andoutlined in this article.  A detailed explanation(s) and hypotheses have been proposed outlining the possible cumulativedirect bacteriological and indirect immunomodulatory effects (at the molecular level) of the Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotics used in Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy to successfully treat C. diff infection.  A detailed scientific and research attempts were made to correlate the Probiotic induced immune activities in relation to the reduction of the symptoms associated with the hospital acquired Clostridium difficile infection during and after the Multiple Mixed Strain Probioitc Therapy.  Results of the clinical trials, microbiological tests on feces, and the clinical blood tests significantly revealed that the reasons for the success of Dr. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy are multifold. Presumably, it is predominantly due to the immunomodulatory effect they have exerted on the host immune system along with the direct inhibition of C. diff bacteria by multiple Probiotics, due to the production of bacteriocins, lactic acid and nutritional competency.In addition, the size of the individual cells of the Probiotic strains in the Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotics and their significant effect on immunomodulation has been thoroughly discussed. Results clearly proved that if Probiotics are absent in the GI tract during C. diff infection, the chances of patient survival is zero.  This is because of the excess immune stimulation and incurable damage to the epithelial cell barrier of the gastrointestinal tract caused by C. diff bacteria.  The results also revealed, without any doubt, as of to-datethe latest discovery of Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy is the best way to cure the deadly hospital acquired infections affecting millions of people around the world, with high degree of mortality.  This has been attested by several practicng medical professionals and scientists around the world (Reddy and Reddy, 2017).


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Autoimmune diseases., Immune stimulation, Immune tolerance, Probiotics, Nosocomial infections, MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), C. diff (Clostridium difficile), Hospital acquired infections, Fecal Microbiota Therapy (FMT), Para Probiotics, Probiotic therapy, Hygiene hypothesis, CD8 cytotoxic cells, CD4 TH cells, Regulatory T-cells, Neurotransmitters, Gut-brain axis, Cytokines, Immunomodulins, Bacteriocins, Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy




How to Cite

Reddy MS. Immunomodulatory Effect of “Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy” to Cure or Prevent Hospital Acquired (Nosocomial) Infections due to Clostridium difficile (C. diff), other Pathogenic Bacteria, and Autoimmune Diseases. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 13];11(1):3937-49. Available from:



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